This beautifully crafted wooden Darood Tanjeena, appearing in the world famous Dala'il al-Khayrat written by Imam al-Jazuli. Elegantly designed adding charm to any space and serves as the best cure for all ills, plagues, and diseases as well as all calamities, difficulties, and hardships. With it's intricate detailing and spiritual significance, this Durood Tanjeena is the perfect addition to any home, bringing peace and blessings to all who encounter it. Embrace the healing powers of this timeless piece while enhancing the ambiance of your living space. Experience the transformative qualities of this Darood Tanjeena as it brings a sense of tranquility and serenity to your home. This Darood is also known as Salatul Tanjeena, Salatul Munjiyya, Durood Tanjeena, Sholawat Munjiyat and Sholawat Tunjina
Shaykh Umar ibn Ali ibn Salim al-Fakahani (d. 734 AH/1134 CE) relates directly from Shaykh Musa al-Dirar in his book Fajr al-Munir how Darood Tanjeena was revealed. Shaykh Musa said:
I was once riding upon a ship in the sea and we were assailed by a powerful tempest they had called the Capsizer (al-iqlabiyya) and which seldom left behind survivors who did not drown. As we were battling against the fierce winds I was overcome by sleep.
In my sleep I saw the Prophet ﷺ and he said to me, ‘Tell the passengers in the ship to say the following 1000 times: Allahumma ṣalli ʿala Sayyidinā Muḥammadin ṣalātan tunjīnā bihā…’
When I had awoken I told the other passengers what I had seen, and by the time we had recited the supplication 300 times, the tempest — by the blessings of prayers upon the Prophet ﷺ — had settled.
Shaykh Hasan ibn Ali al-Aswani, in his exposition of Dalail al-Khayrat, mentions: “Anyone who invokes with this prayer 1000 times during an adversity or unforeseen difficulty will be delivered from it by Allah, and Allah will cause him to realise his wishes.”
It is further mentioned that: “Anyone who invokes with this prayer frequently during the outbreak of a plague will be safe from it, and anyone who invokes with it frequently when embarking on the sea will be safe from drowning.”
Muhyiddin ibn Arabi says: “It is one of the treasures of the arsh (throne). One who supplicates with this prayer 1000 times in the midst of the night for any desire — be it for this world or the next — Allah will fulfil their desire. It will be answered more swiftly than a flash of lightning.”
He further said: “Its secrets should remain hidden and not be mentioned to those who would not understand them.”
One of the gnostics also said: “anyone who reads it 500 times will attain whatever he wishes of profit and wealth, Allah willing. It is tried and tested and true for all of those situations.”
“This salutation has been recited in various numbers up to 4000 (in another version 12,000). People have found its benefits and secrets accordingly, and have witnessed relief from difficulties and in the attainment of their goals…”
Shaykh Ahmad al-Buni and Imam al-Jazuli have both mentioned the benefits and subtleties of this salutation, but they did not reveal its secrets, being wary of allowing them to fall into the hands of the ignorant.
Darood Tanjeena
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